schecki, etc.

The Messiah was holding the little girl's pet bunny, hugging it to his cheek with the big back feet swinging free. He was gloriously drunk. "Know what?" Josh said. "I love bunnies. They toil not, neither do they bark. Henceforth and from now on, I decree that whenever something bad happens to me, there shall be bunnies around. So it shall be written. Go ahead Biff, write it down." --Lamb, Christopher Moore

Saturday, February 25, 2006


So I've been watching the Batman television series on ME TV lately. And while I adore Julie Newmar's Catwoman, I have to say that Eartha Kitt fucking rules.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

dear boy,

You are beautiful and it's killing me in tiny, tiny increments.

other people's songs

That night at Kim's, when that guy ripped us off
We borrowed a gun to get him
We were so pissed off we shot his leg
He was a dick, anyway

It felt good to burn
Felt like a movie star
When you hold my slippery brain
Kiss my forehead

All summer long we refused to die
We just slept and fucked and got high
And all we'd steal
We lit up on the Ferris wheel

Felt good to burn
I Felt like a movie star
When you hold my slippery brain
Kiss my forehead

And all your dreams, oh God rest your soul
I saw through the hole in your head
But we couldn't have been dead
'Cause you stood up in bed and said,
"I wasn't wavin' goodbye, I was sayin' hello."

It felt good to burn
Felt like a movie star
When you hold my slippery brain
Kiss my forehead

The Flaming Lips, Felt Good To Burn

Friday, February 17, 2006


sometimes i think 'love' is just a nicer way of saying 'desperate obsession'

A clarification

This is the space in which I write things that either:

1. don't really warrant a full entry, i.e. 2 or 3 paragraphs


2. sound cool in my head and that being a vain creature, I can't allow to disappear back into the fog from whence they came


3. are quizzes/porn star names/etc.

Thursday, February 16, 2006



because I can

Today, I think, is the kind of day where I feel like throwing myself in front of a bus.

Not because I want to, but because I can.

couldn't put her back together again

i am teetering
on the edge
of an explosion of emotion.

but whether it's tears or laughter, i can't tell.

Just don't

"Just don't," I said, pausing to clear my throat.
"Don't get your hopes up, ok?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

get out of my head, GOD DAMN IT

"My heart feels like an alligator. Turn up that goddamned radio. Volume! Clarity! Bass! We must have bass! What is wrong with us?! ARE WE GODDAMN OLD LADIES??!!"

oh the hairmanity

I'm growing out my hair and my bangs have gotten to the annoying length of falling into my eyes constantly and when they're not doing that they're being too short to tuck behind my ear and are generally hitting my glasses in such a way that the ends are flipping up and looking ugly.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


water goddess
The goddess of Water. You can be calm, collected, and fluent at times, but can change in an instant into a raging ball of fury. Just like ocean storms, you leave no survivors in your path and you do not tolerate nonsense in dire situations. You are most likely the "peacemaker" of your group of friends and people can always count on you to hear their side of the story. You enjoy time with friends, just not ALL the time. You could survive without friends, but you wouldn't be able to last forever. You need company and so if you were the Water Goddess then you would go to the ocean, a river, or a lake and you would spend time with the animals that live there. Since you are a Water Goddess, you power is the ability to breathe underwater, which gives you the perfect hiding place from enemies.

What are you a Goddess of? - (with anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

start, already

quick fucking with me, body.

we have this same conversation every month.

every month

Monday, February 13, 2006


The escapees got new rope!

no surprises

two different boys
      same birthday

two different boys
      same effect

Monday, February 06, 2006

walking away

I always loved him best when he was leaving.


i absolutely hate having crushes on people.